On 09/12/2011 12:28 PM, Bjorn Madsen wrote:
Hello there,
I'm a new user and have googled an error message I am receiving but am
probably not searching the right places:
[1] The layout file: article could not be found. A default textclass
with default layouts will be used. LyX will not be able to produce
correct output
[2] Due to some error in it, the layout file: AGU-article could not be
loaded. A default textclass with defailt layouts will be used. LyX
will not be able to produce correct output.
Does anyone have a hint for getting it fixed? (LyX 2.0.0 default
install from ubuntu 11.04.)
Both errors are puzzling. Something is wrong with the installation.
First, the article.layout file should be installed with LyX, typically
at /usr/share/lyx/layouts/. You can look at Help>About LyX to find out
where the system directory is meant to be.
The other case is weirder, in a way, since the layout file is being
found---it's surprising that it is there if article.layout is not---but
is apparently corrupt.
I'd suggest you uninstall LyX and try reinstalling, if you haven't
already done so. If you have, then we'll try something else.