Hi all, 

I have tried to install LyX 2.0.0 & 2.0.1 several times on my Ubuntu-run laptop 
... without success. After apparently successfully compiling, LyX spits out the 
following error when launched:

lyx: symbol lookup error: lyx: undefined symbol: _ZN9QListData11detach_growEPii 

A quick browse on the internet established a link between this error and the Qt 
4 Frontend libraries as similar errors have been reported for other programs. I 
have nonetheless not been able to find a solution when it comes to dealing with 

Any help will be welcome. I attach:
 - config.log: the log file of the ./configure command;
 - configure.log: the output to stdout of the ./configure command;
 - make.log: the output to stdout of the make all command.


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