Confirmed, at least from my side. The problem lies in your bibtex
file, which biber cannot process. I believe it has some characters,
that even if UTF-8 encoded, are not understood by biber. For example,
in one reference:

  chapter = {7},
  title = {The Frontal Lobes, Intending, and a Purposeful God},
  publisher = {Pilgrim Press},
  year = {1997},
  author = {Ashbrook, James~B. and Albright, Carol Rausch},
  annote = {A typical InBook entry, identified by title and also, in this case,
        by chapter number rather than page range.},
  booktitle = {The Humanizing Brain},
  location = {Cleveland, OH},
  shorttitle = {The Frontal Lobes}

You have a "~" in author. I removed this character and retried and it
seems to work with biber. Try yourself and let me know. Regards.
Julio Rojas

On Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 6:53 PM, Julio Rojas <> wrote:
> Rethinking on everything, I think the problem is biber. It seems that
> it cannot process your bibtex file, which is why the citekey, not the
> properly formatted reference, appears. You need to check both, your
> bibtex file as well as your biber installation. BTW, why biber?
> -------------------------------------------------
> Julio Rojas
> On Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 6:48 PM, Julio Rojas <> wrote:
>> BTW, as I don't have biber I have to remove most of your references
>> and only left the first one, which works perfectly with bibtex.
>> Regards.
>> -------------------------------------------------
>> Julio Rojas
>> On Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 6:45 PM, Julio Rojas <> wrote:
>>> Try the attached document (change the bibliography path accordingly).
>>> I will remind you that I don't use biber, so I don't know if the
>>> problem lies there.
>>> Regards.
>>> -------------------------------------------------
>>> Julio Rojas
>>> On Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 3:52 PM, Louis Turk <> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Julio,
>>>> On 08/14/2011 11:30 PM, Julio Rojas wrote:
>>>> As for the footnotes, you first have to use a biblatex style that
>>>> automatically makes use of "\footcite". For this, you need to add the
>>>> "citestyle" option
>>>> citestyle=verbose-trad1 .
>>>> If in the preamble I use
>>>> \usepackage[notes,autocite=footnote,natbib,citestyle=verbose-trad1]{biblatex-chicago}
>>>> I get this error message:
>>>> Package keyval Error: citestyle undefined.
>>>> ...liographyOptions\expandafter{\cms@options}
>>>> What I usually do is that I renew a command
>>>> like "\citep" into "\autocite" adding the following command to the
>>>> preamble:
>>>> \renewcommand\citep{\autocite}
>>>> If I use:
>>>> \usepackage[notes,autocite=footnote,natbib]{biblatex-chicago}
>>>> \renewcommand\citep{\autocite}
>>>> \bibliography{/home/lat/notes-test}
>>>> only the bibtexkey prints, not the text it points to.
>>>> As for the lack of references in the footnotes, it might be due to the
>>>> lack of the bibliography's full path in the preamble.
>>>> As you can see above, I'm using the correct full path to the bibliography
>>>> file, but still no success.
>>>> I suspect that we are getting close though. Thanks for the help!
>>>> Louis
>>>> Try this and let me know. Regards.
>>>> -------------------------------------------------
>>>> Julio Rojas

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