>So for an automatic TOC, numbered sections are a requirement. That's quite a >useless restriction. If I didn't wan't a TOC I wouldn't insert one. And I >guess I'll have to add latex code to get rid of the numbering now, right?
"section*" never go into the TOC, and it is never numbered either. All you get is the bigger bolder font. "section" goes into the TOC. It may or may not be numbered. No latex code needed for either approach. Menu Document->Settings->Numbering & TOC is what you want. Here you decide to what level among part,chapter,section,... there should be numbers, and to what level they should appear in the TOC. No latex, just a user-friendly dialog box. The default is to use numbering. After you change it, you may save the new setting as default - very useful if you plan on writing most of your future documents without numbering. The same goes for all the other document settings - you can change the default so you won't have to do it again for the next documents you write. You can also make empty template documents and save them to the template folder. Helge Hafting