Dear All I have not given sub number of the figure. When i put subfloat beside main float i found odd thing. The numbering begins o the next figure. Just like this: I wanna subnumber fig 12 but when i do that step my subfigure begins at fig 13.a How to repair that? Till now, i just subfigure them manually. Thanks alot Teguh CFD Engineer
PS. I'm sorry for late reply TEGUH HADY ARIWIBOWO POSTGRADUATE STUDENT ENERGY CONVERSION ENGINEERING DIVISION FLUID MECHANICS AND FLUID MACHINERY LABORATORY MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY FACULTY INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI SEPULUH NOPEMBER SURABAYA-INDONESIA --- On Tue, 6/28/11, Diego Queiroz <> wrote: From: Diego Queiroz <> Subject: Re: how to modify figure name To: "Hady Ariwibowo Teguh" <> Cc: "lyx forum" <> Date: Tuesday, June 28, 2011, 3:23 PM On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 4:18 AM, Hady Ariwibowo Teguh <> wrote: Dear All, I'm using lyx 1.6. I have problem about how to name the figure. Just like this: "Figure .2.a" How to add "a" on the last part?? Thanks Teguh CFD Engineer Teguh, You need to use sub floats. To achieve this on LyX, just insert a float inside another float. This way, the caption of the sub-float is automatically named 2a, 2b and so on. Best regards, --- Diego Queiroz