
Julien pointed me to the right place:

> You also need to use a natbib-compatible bibliography style. You select
this by clicking on your "BibTeX Generated Bibliography" in your LyX
document and selecting e.g. plainnat

Actually, I would have chosen plainnat as in some older documents, had the 
option been there. But all I can chose from is "plain". I think this once again 
is the "network drives in Windows" problem 
(http://www.mail-archive.com/lyx-users@lists.lyx.org/msg87682.html) as I am 
still using the same setup (Windows XP, network user with limited rights, LyX 
installed by a local admin).

I am now working on another computer (Windows 7, local admin installed and uses 
LyX) and the same document compiles fine after I chose "plainnat" from the many 
options offered.

Still no solution for the other computer, but at least I now know some 
background of the problem.


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