On 08/07/2011 1:37 AM, Sebastian Krämer wrote:
On 07/07/2011 06:15 PM, Julien Rioux wrote:
A few things:
- Your layout will try to load a SMBV11.cls file, is that right?
- Don't put # in front of "Format 35", that makes it a comment
- If your class is derived from article, you're a bit better off to use
"Input article.layout" instead of "Input stdclass.inc"
- Remove the "Provides something 0" lines
- There is no package "figure"

Hi Julien,

thanks for the pointers, I made adjustments accordingly. However, except


from the earlier export the generated .tex file is exactly the same.
(The compilation error is, too.)

I think I need a possibility to change the way lyx translates figure and
subfire environments. I'll dig into the documentation and see if there's
a way.


If I change the documentclass to article it compiles fine. If you really need to use \subfigure instead of \subfloat, use Insert > TeX Code to do it. e.g.

insert your figure here

where stuff inbetween "" would be in a TeX Code box.

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