El 19/06/2011 05:42 a.m., Francesco Menoncin escribió:
Il 19/06/2011 02:27, Sergio Celani ha scritto:
El 18/06/2011 09:57 a.m., Richard Heck escribió:
On 06/18/2011 07:28 AM, Donato Capitella wrote:
Dear all,
I've been using Lyx for a year or so. However, I've been having an
annoying problem since I switched to version 2.0.
Basically, when I use the article class, my bibliography items under
the References heading are all indented and they should not be and
have never been in previous versions. As a result, when I need to
regenerate my old documents, I get this weired indented bibliography
and of course this applies also to new documents.
Is there a fix?
Can you please post a small example file?
I have the same problem with the amsart class with LyX 2.0
I send you an example
You can add the following command in the preamble:
There will be no indentation (and no number). You can also use
"biblabel" for other settings.
Thank Francesco, but this not solve the problem because the bibliography
is not numbered.
If I export to LaTeX file, open it with Scientific workplace andgenerate
the PDF, the bibliography is correct.