It would appear that on Jun 5, Vincent van Ravesteijn did say:

>       2) pop up vs sidebar: I think this was probably the solution to the 
> issue
>       that the old pop up wasn't smart enough not to hide the hi-lighted word
>       and
>       it's immediate context when it opened. And I'll admit that as much as I
>       totally loath all sidebars «I like  my entire window width to always be
>       reserved for the primary text window of anything I'm editing/reading...»
>       Even a pop-up side bar is a better idea than blocking the view of the
>       word's context... Or at least it would be if:
> You can freely relocate the side-bar to your wishes.
> WARNING: LyX seems to crash often when you do.

Well if it wouldn't make it crash... I might prefer it took up some of my
vertical screen space (fewer lines per page) rather than taking up some of
my horizontal space (fewer words per line) But Not so much as to be worth
frequent crashes...

Besides relocating it isn't the problem. I just want the keyboard shortcuts
to work right and especially to be able to dismiss the durned thing with the
keyboard, when I'm done spellchecking...

But thanks for the suggestion.

|    ^^^   ^^^
|    <o>   <o>      Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
|        ^               J(tWdy)P
|       ___         <<>>


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