I've been thinking about the message "Setting LC_CTYPE=en_US failed"
for a while and have not figured out the reason yet. Why does R have
to set the locale to en_US when it is not actually en_US...

For non-English documents, I guess you have to specify a correct
encoding in the document settings, but I don't know which encoding is
"correct" for German. What was the error message (View-->View
Messages) in R? (not warnings) Did it say something like iconv()

Yihui Xie <xieyi...@gmail.com>
Phone: 515-294-2465 Web: http://yihui.name
Department of Statistics, Iowa State University
2215 Snedecor Hall, Ames, IA

On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 6:34 AM, Rainer Stowasser
<rainer.stowas...@wissenschaftsrat.ac.at> wrote:
> Hy
> Ive also followed the instruction mentioned in : lyx 2 and sweave
> but for me it also doesnt work
> What puzzels me is that there s a message
> Setting LC_CTYPE=en_US failed
> and that when I look at the latex source settings for the language with babel
> apears somewhere within the document and not before \begin{document}
> Is it possible that this happens only for lyx user that have a different
> language setting (e.g. german in my case or french ...)
> ?
> .../Ressources/examples/sweave.lyx works on an Win 7 System with lyx 2.0.0, R
> version 2.13.0 and MikTeX 2.9
> but any document I create with non English settings fails
> Rainer

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