Am 23.05.2011 17:30, schrieb Julien Rioux:

I have two versions of a graphic, one is an eps the other a pdf. How can I 
instruct LyX to use the
eps version when compiling to DVI and the pdf version when compiling to PDF 

The usual trick in latex to omit file extension does not work here. LyX displays "No 
file found!",

Then you found a bug. This must work.
Take for example the CV class examples files that come with LyX. In the modernCV file we use an image file named CV-image. You can see in LyX's messages window that the PNG-version is used when a PDF is compiled (no image conversion). For a DVI or Postscript output, the EPS-version of the image is used.

If the problem persists, can you please provide a _small_ LyX file and the image files to have a closer look?

regards Uwe

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