Il 20/05/2011 21:27, Enrico Forestieri ha scritto:
Francesco Menoncin writes:
I am not able to make LyX and Maxima interact.
I have put the Maxima path (C:\Program Files\Maxima-5.24.0\bin) in
LyX (Tools->Prefereces->Paths) and reconfigure LyX.
Nevertheless, when I try to compute something (like 2+2) I just
obtain an empty space after the formula.
Any suggestion?
The problem here is that LyX is invoking the command "maxima" but there's
only a batch file (maxima.bat) to be executed on Windows. Now, LyX 2.0 on
Windows is not able to execute batch files anymore. You may have better
luck trying the Cygwin version of LyX , as a bash script "maxima" is also
supplied and the Cygwin version is able to execute it.

Thank you for your help. I will try Cygwin.
Nevertheless, I just stress that Maxima and LyX perfectly work together in Ubuntu (11.04).


Francesco Menoncin
Università degli Studi di Brescia
Facoltà di Economia
Via S. Faustino, 74/B
25122 Brescia (Italy)
Tel: 0039-030-2988806
Fax: 0039-030-2988837

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