Hallo, I wanna make a graph and give it a title, say "name". I think this name is written under the graph normally. So I think creating a figure must be the right thing.
So I clicked Insert->Float->figure and gave the figure the "name" and inserted the graph. But I have 2 problems: 1st: The "name" is centered, that means in the middle of the paper to the left and right. On the other hand, my figure is on the left side. I don't know how I can center the figure, too. I read the handbook (German version) and there were some hints, especially for importing existing figures, but not a lot of hints how to create such a figure by yourself. 2nd: I wanted to create an undirected graph and choose to do it with an x-y-pic-matrix with this code within the math mode: \xymatrix{a\dir[dr]&b&c\\d&e&f} That creates an xy-pic-matrix with 2 rows (because of the \\ command) and 3 rows (because of the 2-times & command). \dir[dr] makes an arc to the element which is one step below (d for down) and one element to the right (r for right). I used to write \dir@{-}[dr] instead of \dir[dr] because that made an undirected edge instead of an arc. But that doesn't work anymore; I don't know why. Is there a better way to do that, for example with tikz, and is it easy to use that within lyx? If not, how can I create simple edges in that xy-pic-environment and place the title under the figure. Thanks! Mike Bonhoff -- NEU: FreePhone - kostenlos mobil telefonieren! Jetzt informieren: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/freephone