On 2011-05-10, Neal Becker wrote:

> I'm interested in trying out xetex.  Any suggestions for font settings
> to try (free, widely available)?  This is fedora 14, have stix fonts.

This very much depends on what you want to achieve.
As with XeTeX, you can use system fonts, this leaves the realm of TeX
and you can follow the advise of the typesetting gurus.

Some links:
http://www.100besteschriften.de/ (German)

If you want matching math fonts, the selection becomes considerably

> How are math fonts selected?

By default, math fonts are not changed and still taken from the 8-bit
encoded CM fonts.

To configure math fonts, there are two options:

a) load a traditional math-font package like fourier, txfonts or
   qtxfonts or mathdesign or kpmath or ...
   *before* configuring the text fonts.
   In LyX this means to leave the Font GUI at [Default], read the
   fontconfig documentation and configure text fonts in the LaTeX
   preamble, e.g. 
   % Requirements
   % Text font
   \setmainfont[BoldFont={XITS Bold},ItalicFont={XITS Italic}]{XITS Math}
   \setsansfont{DejaVu Sans}
   % \setmonofont[HyphenChar=None,Scale=MatchUppercase]{DejaVu Sans Mono}

b) use the experimental "unicode-math" package 
   with one of the few OpenType Math fonts Asana-Math, XITS, Cambria-Math
   (from MS-Word), NeuEuler or (the soon to be released) LM-Math.
   Again, you need to call and configure this in the LaTeX preamble.
   See the comprehensive package documentation
   As this is hithero not tested with LyX, you might expect some
   incompatibilities and problems.


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