On 11/05/2011 1:19 AM, Atsushi Shimmura wrote:
On Tue, 10 May 2011 22:59:58 -0400
Julien Rioux<jri...@physics.utoronto.ca> wrote:
This looks interesting. So it delimits the words in a long sentence, is
that right? I am not sure I understand.
Yes. Almost IM system is from the first. When we input information,
the first input is a sentence usually. So we convert each phrase in a
Japanese(CJK) sentence. LyX too. But the underline specifications is
an incorrect action, because we correct erroneous parts...
Also, I am curious: do you use platex? Is instant-preview of math insets
working for you?
Yes I use.Is that attached file?Yes it work.
Sorry, I meant the display of math preview inside the LyX screen itself.
LaTeX is used (in your case platex) to produce a small image file. Then
it is displayed on the screen. This is activated in the menu: Tools >
Preferences > Display. It is called "instant preview" and has three
settings "On", "Off", and "No math". When set to "On" it should
transform your math into an image as I described. From your screenshot
it looks like it does not.