On 2011-05-05, Andrew Parsloe wrote:

> I think I have confused people, perhaps because I used the phrase 'LyX 
> office suite' (but in quotes -- it was meant with a certain 
> tongue-in-cheek quality) and mentioned the word spreadsheet.


> My request was for a button on the table toolbar that 
> would change LyX's \begin{tablular}{|c|c|c|} into 
> \begin{spreadtab}{{tabular}{|c|c|c|}}, and \end{tabular} into 
> \end{spreadtab}, and a few 'tidying up' operations like replacing 
> \tabularnewline with \\. Again, no request that LyX acquire calculating 
> abilities. Rather, the ability to replace one environment, tabular, with 
> another, spreadtab. The calculational abilities are in spreadtab and, as 
> far as LyX is concerned, are a side-effect of the environment change. 

Maybe, if you had used the phrase: "Add LyX support for the 'spreadtab' LaTeX
package", there would not have been such an uproar.

> LyX doesn't need to acquire spreadsheet capabilities. I have no wish to 
> see it heading down the road of OpenOffice.

But I am pretty sure that, when this support is implemented, there will
be requests that LyX displays the calculated values ;-)

Anyway, I support this enhancement request.


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