On 02 May 2011, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> Pascal Francq wrote:
> > I try to change from makeindex to xindy to manage two index in the
> > document  from LyX. I have just selected xindy in
> > "Tools>Preferences>Output>Latex" (adding the option "-l french" for the
> > French language).
> > Now, when I create the PDF document, no index is build (while it was with 
> > makeindex). I Suppose that I miss something. Any idea ?
> Depends on what version (of LyX) you are referring to. In 2.0, "xindy" really 
> means "xindy", whereas you probably want "texindy" (which is also in the 
> selection).
> texindy is a script that provides sort of "drop-in" facility for 
> LaTeX/makeindex users. Running xindy directly is more flexible, but you will 
> have to pass some spedifications (via xindy modules).
> BTW both in xindy and texindy, the language option is (capital) -L.
> Jürgen

You don't say which operating system you are using. I had the same
problem on Debian Sid, which was due to a bug in clisp (required by
xindy), I solved this by reverting to an earlier version of clisp and
xindy, from Squeeze (Debian stable).


Anthony Campbell - a...@acampbell.org.uk 
Microsoft-free zone - Using Debian GNU/Linux 
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