A suggestion:
You can try putting everything, including the "\author" command, inside the ERT TeX-code box, and not use built it "\author" command of the LyX.


On 5/1/2011 7:39 AM, Tilman Rothe wrote:
I'm trying to add two grant acknowledgements to a paper by two authors. How do I
do the trick?

My coauthor gave me this snippet, which compiles in TeXShop 2.36 but not in Lyx

\author{T. Rothe\thanks{Supported by grant 12345678.} \hskip 5pt and C. O.
Author \thanks{Supported by grant 12345678.} \\[5mm]
       ( Friedrich Schiller University Jena,\\[1mm]
        e-mail: tilman.rothe@googlemyinstitution, 

I can select "author" as paragraph style from the dropdown menu, type both
authors, and put a single footnote at the end for the second \thanks. But I
cannot make two footnotes. Either I get cryptic error messages, or the grant
gets un-footnoted when pasting the snippet as literal ERT.

Please excuse my ignorance, Lyx has successfully saved me from Latex since 2000.

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