On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 8:32 PM, Walter <walter.stan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Due to a recent change in hardware, I have just tried to load my book
> on to LyX for Mac.
> Upon opening the file I get two errors about missing elements:
>  - document.cls

This suggests to me that you haven't installed LaTeX. The easiest way
on Mac is to install MacTeX (http://www.tug.org/mactex/). Then
reconfigure LyX, restart, and it should recognize document.cls and
allow you to generate .pdfs.

>  - languages module

This may be in your user's directory on your Linux machine (~/.lyx)
and if so should be moved to the appropriate location on Mac
(~/Library/Application Support/LyX-2.0).


> Is this expected, and how do I remedy?
> I'm pretty inexperienced with macs, but believe I should have copied
> all of the resources that went along with the original document to the
> new machine's filesystem, at the same relative locations (ie: parent
> directory and all within).
> Right now I am able to edit, but not generate PDF output. In addition
> to the above errors on opening the file, an attempt to render gives
> me:
>  "No information on how to convert SVG files to PNG".
> The imagmagick installation seems to require MacPorts which
> seems to require XCode which is opening a whole can of worms.
> Thanks for any pointers!
> - Walter

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