On 18-1-2011 11:17, Christian Wilhelmsen wrote: > I juse LyX and Dropbox in collaboration with my team mates, and the problem > is that when you have opened a file, another user edits it and sync it through > dropbox, LyX wont open the new version, it opens a buffered copy or something. > > We have to close LyX each time we want to open an updated document, or else > you just get the copy that is stored in memory... Tried removing auto-backup, > if that was the problem, but no. > > Anyone knows how we can get past this problem? >
I'm also not sure I understand your problem. Usually, if your file is changed, you can use File->Revert to Saved. This should give you the new version of the file. I've been working on a mechanism that pops up a messagebox indicating that the file you're editing has been changed on disk. I'm not familiar with Dropbox, so I don't know whether it will help you out in that case. > > - christian wilhelmsen Vincent