On 04/14/2011 11:03 AM, Rainer Dorsch wrote:

I do generate a table in LaTeX source format. I included it in a LyX document
using ERT and then \input{file.tex}. That worked well. The trouble starts,
when I do that in a subdocument, which is not in the same directory as the
toplevel document. Then I need to specify the relative path and that is
different for the subdocument and the toplevel document.

When I input files in non-ERT mode, LyX handles this problem. But if I use
non-ERT I cannot input a LaTeX file, only LyX files.

This is because LyX does not know to copy the file to the temporary directory when it is done via ERT, and the trick it uses to overcome this won't work for documents in different directories. But is there some reason you have to use ERT here and not the Include inset?


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