Eisa Ayed <eisalenazy <at> yahoo.com> writes:

> Hello everyone . 
> i'm wondering how can I increase the arrow length in xypic. 
> i.e. 
> \xymatrix{*++[F]{A} \ar@{-}[r]{(0,0),(1,1)}&*++[F]{B}}

I'm not sure what you mean here?  Do you want to move the A and B nodes further
apart?  If so, just insert empty columns between them.

> also how can i annotate the objects A and B ( i want to write their domain
values ) something like:
> [1,2,3]                           [4,5,6] 
> A                                     B

One way (not the only one, I think) is to make each node a 2x1 array.

Does this do what you want?

A\end{array}}\ar@{-}[rrr]{(0,0),(1,1)} &  &  & *++[F]{\begin{array}{c}


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