Dear Sandro. Every time you have an error of the kind <<File
`name.sty' not found>> it means you need to install package "name". Go
to your package manager and install "logreq".

Julio Rojas

On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 1:14 PM, Sandro Portmann
<> wrote:
> Sry folks, I forgot the attachment... Here it is :)
> Am 23.03.2011 um 11:29 schrieb Julio Rojas:
>> Dear Sandro, this should be pretty straightforward. First of all, have
>> you installed and used biblatex before? If not:
>> After you have downloaded, installed and tested biblatex (check your
>> TeXLive distribution's package manager), you should download and
>> install your desired biblatex style (again, via TeXLive's package
>> manager). I believe the README has all the instructions needed AFTER
>> you have installed both, biblatex and the style. You should add the
>> lines:
>> \usepackage[style=historische-zeitschrift]{biblatex}
>> \bibliography{<name of bib-file without .bib-extension>}
>> to your document's preamble, then add the bibliography in a note
>> environment (so it is only used by Lyx and not latex).
>> Best of lucks.
>> -------------------------------------------------
>> Julio Rojas
>> 2011/3/22 Sandro Portmann <>:
>>> Hi guys
>>> I want to implement a new cite style into LyX 1.6.9 on my Mac OS X 10.6.6. 
>>> It's the ¨Historische Zeitschrift¨ style, which I have downloaded here 
>>> The 
>>> README file, distributed on the page doesn't help me much, so I hope, that 
>>> anybody here can help me.
>>> Best regards
>>> Sandro
>>> Hallo zusammen
>>> Ich schreibs hier nochmals auf Deutsch, da mein English nicht gerade der 
>>> Hammer ist.
>>> Ich versuche nun schon seit längerem, den Zitierstil "Historische Zeitung" 
>>> in LyX zu integrieren, und bringe es einfach nicht auf die Reihe. Ich hatte 
>>> ihn hier 
>>> heruntergeladen. Mit der Instruktion, die in diesem File enthalten ist, 
>>> kann ich leider nicht all zu viel anfangen, da ich den entsprechenden 
>>> Ordner einfach nicht finde. Weiss jemand von euch, wie ich das hinkriege?
>>> Beste Grüsse
>>> Sandro

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