On 2011-03-18, Richard Heck wrote:
> On 03/17/2011 02:27 PM, Greg Kise wrote:

>> 1. What exactly is inherited by Child docs?

>> For instance, my Master doc is using class "Report (KOMA Script)" and 
>> has the text layout set to BigSkip and line spacing to Double. But, 
>> when I open the child document in the main window (usually via the 
>> TOC) the text layout of the Child is all set to default (indent 
>> paragraph, single space). I know that the layout class of the child 
>> must match the Master but what are the other settings, other than 
>> Preamble, which are inherited?

> It doesn't actually have to match, though LyX will complain if it doesn't.

> That said: NO other document settings are inherited by the child, so far 
> as I know. There have been many, many discussions about this. For a 
> sense of the issues, note that it is possible to have two masters open 
> that both include the same child.

However, when compiling the master, the child document will be
included without preamble, i.e. the master settings are used for
the complete document.

>> (Note: that my Master document compiles properly with BigSkip and 
>> Double spacing---the problem is that the Child opens in the main 
>> window without any obvious inheriting of settings.)

> This is because LyX treats the child as a separate document that just 
> happens to be included in some other document, largely for the reasons 
> mentioned above.

>> 2. What properties, other than layout class, need to be set in the 
>> Child document since they are not inherited?

> All of them. Not that they HAVE to be set, but e.g. if you want to use a 
> module in the master and its children, it needs to be included in the 
> children.

>From a practical view, it might be good to create a custom template with the
master settings and create new children with "new from template".
Alternatively, use "save-as" on the master or a sibling document and
replace the content.

Another hint: To have all childs compilable as stand-alone documents and
keep them in sync, I use an external file for the common part of the
LaTeX preamble. Under Document>Settings>LaTeX preamble, I write


and preamble.tex contains stuff like external packages, custom font
setup, hyphenation exceptions, etc.

\usepackage{psfrag}   % Textersetzungen in eps Dateien
\usepackage{nicefrac} % Brüche als ¼ etc.

\hyphenation{Dicke halb-unend-lich-es Mess-sig-nal Dreh-impuls-erhal-tung %
Gleich-gewichts-pro-zes-se pon-dero-moto-ri-sche In-duk-ti-ons-ter-me}

Also, I use a branch (active in the child docs but not the master) for
bibliography and index as well as inclusion of a math-macros file in the
child docs.


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