On Thu, 10 Mar 2011 13:05:03 -0700
Rob Oakes <lyx-de...@oak-tree.us> wrote:

> > 
> > This is just one man's opinion, but I never use the document
> > class's features for the front matter. I just use custom
> > environments and ERT (embedded LaTeX) to place all elements of the
> > front matter -- the title, the author, the cover image, the
> > copyright page, the dedication and acknowledgements, the "here's
> > how you use this book", the "about the author", etc. The way I see
> > it, every element of the frontmatter is a one-off thing, and
> > one-off things are ideal for fingerpainting.
> I actually go one step further. I crate all of the frontmatter using
> a matching stylesheet in Scribs. I then add the material using
> PDFpages.
> To that end, I also disable the \maketitle macro so that I can still
> use \author, \title, etc. and have all of my headers and footers look
> correct.
> \renewcommand{\maketitle}{}

Tried your good idea Rob: 
Created a front page 
and used Insert->File->External Material
Inserted the .pdf document, but couldn't get it to be placed on the
first page in either article (KOMA-Script) or book (KOMA-Script)

It always inserted onto page 2 - obviously missing something or doing
something wrong.

Could you please give me a hint what that might be.

As always - Thanks in advance,
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