> >Can you try to isolate the issue? I.e., remove everything you can until >the problem is all that is left?
It is difficult to remove anymore than the lyx file enclosed in the first email. :) However, I tried to make a a how to reproduce, and that were a little bit more complicated. But at least I succeeded: 1. make a margin note inset and put some "text" in it 2. Choose the "text" and chose anything other than plain layout environment and LyX adds an extra closing brace in the LaTeX-code Why this happened the first time, I do not know. It might happen in converting from an old file-format, as this file were started in the 1.3-series of LyX and have been converted as new LyX-version have come along, or It might have been an error when I made a new paragraph and accidentally marked the wrong part of the text... Ingar Pareliussen