Thanks Ingar!
The \AtBeginDocument seems indeed to be what I am looking for! But what
is its expected behavior? I still see in both the Lyx-latex sources and
exported .tex the command \AtBeginDocument before the babel/subfig lines...
So the problem is still the same... Is this the expected behavior? I am
under Lyx 1.6.5 Ubuntu 10.4
Le 21. 02. 11 21:58, Ingar Pareliussen a écrit :
-force Lyx to add my \usepackage{} command afterthis line? Is this possible?
You can try using the \AtBeginDocument{} described in
-use a workaround where I try to define in the custom package showcaptionsetup,
so that the line does not run?
You can try to put your command in an ERT box as the first thing in the LyX
document. Might not work, depending on the
Ingar Pareliussen