Hi >. If I use sas.sty generated by SAS, where do I put it so Lyx will recognize >it? I put in a folder and Refreshed FCNB on MikTex as per the help manual, but >Lyx still couldn't find it.
This file needs to be recognised by LaTeX and should go somewhere MikTeX could find it. I guess this works? The next you have top tell lyx that it needs to use it. This is done in the LaTeX preamble in Document->settings. just add on these two lines:: \usepackage{sas} \usepackage{longtable} This will give you the sas specific commands that are used by sas.( And the longtableenvironment, may not be necessary if you import the file). >Even if Lyx did find it, I think there would still be some issues because of >the code in the latex file. > get a million compilation errors like misplaced "\noalign" with any of the > four latex files that can be >generated by SAS. I have attached tablesonly.tex >because I think this is the simplest file and also simple.tex. Most of the errors should go away if you add the \usepackage{longtable}. However the latex you send was also wrong. it should look something like this: \begin{longtable}{|c|c|c|c|} \hline & 1 & 1 &1 \\ \hline & 1 &1 &1 \\ \hline & 1& 1 &\\ \hline \end{longtable} You must move the \begin{longtable} to the start of the file. So I guess you have to make sas produce correct latex to make it work, or massage it in an editor. Then it should be easy to import it as a latex file in lyx. Or you could copy it into a ERT-box. I hope this helps. Ingar