Jacob Aderhold <JacAde <at> web.de> writes:

> Hello,I am using the version 1.6.8 of Lyx an have a big problem.I tried to
insert a footnote into a caption for my references.It is not possible to do it
with the lyx-feature "insert-footnote".So I tried to insert a Tex-argument: e.g.
\footnote{test}and a lot of other examples. Lyx shows every time an error
message.I hope somebody can help me.Thanks a lot.Jacob

If you are trying to put a footnote in the caption of a float, you can do so as

a) In the caption, insert (in ERT) \footnotemark[n] where n is the number of the

b) In the body of the document (outside the float), insert (in ERT)
\footnotetext[n]{the text of the footnote}, using of course the same number n.


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