On 02/01/2011 08:58 PM, Stig Rognes wrote:
Hello LyX-users,

I'm using book class (Memoir) and would like to have the frontmatter (abstract, acknowledgments (unnumbered chapter), nom, lof, lot, and toc itself) appear in emphasized/italics font on the Contents page. I don't want the actual chapter titles appear in italics, just in the ToC.

I've tried the following hack, which kinda works, first removing LyX's own List of tables, then inserting two TeX-boxes, first a non-contents-listed lot, and then one adding it manually right after:

\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\emph{List of tables}}

This isn't good enough though, as it messes up the pdf-bookmarks page numbering and doesn't work with LyX's own List of Tables, Nomenclature, or whatever list. And I haven't found any hack for getting the Contents-insert itself in the ToC appear in italics/emphasis.

Any ideas would be highly appreciated!

Well, it's a wild guess, but what if you temporarily redefine \addcontentsline at the start of the frontmatter and then restore it at the end? E.g.:


Something like that ought to have the right effect.



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