
thanks for your reply.

Am Dienstag, 25. Januar 2011 schrieb Paul Rubin:
> You might also grep the preferences file in that folder; entries in
> preferences override those in lyxrc.defaults.

There is a match, but that seems ok to me:

rd@blackbox:~/.lyx$ grep pdf2 *|grep -v pdf2ps
lyxrc.defaults:\Format pdf2       pdf    "PDF (pdflatex)"        F  "xdg-open"  
""      "document,vector"
lyxrc.defaults:\converter pdflatex   pdf2       "pdflatex $$i"  "latex"
lyxrc.defaults~:\Format pdf2       pdf    "PDF (pdflatex)"        F  "gv"       
lyxrc.defaults~:\converter latex      pdf2       "pdflatex $$i" "latex"
preferences:\format "pdf2" "pdf" "PDF (pdflatex)" "F" "okular" "" ""

> If that also looks reasonable, you might rename the entire .lyx directory
> to something else (for safekeeping) and then restart LyX.  It should
> create a new .lyx directory.  I've seen reports of odd or inexplicable
> problems that persisted until the user directory was regenerated (although
> I think those were mainly if not exclusively on Windows).

Indeed that fixes the problem.

I diff'ed .lyx and .lyx.bak in case somebody wants to investigate in more 
detail (I could provide the entire .lyx and .lyx.bak directories if somebody 
wants them):

rd@blackbox:~$ diff -r .lyx/lyxrc.defaults .lyx.bak/lyxrc.defaults
rd@blackbox:~$ ls .lyx/preferences
ls: cannot access .lyx/preferences: No such file or directory
rd@blackbox:~$ cat .lyx.bak/preferences 
# This file is written by LyX, if you want to make your own
# modifications you should do them from inside LyX and save

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Rainer Dorsch
Lärchenstr. 6
D-72135 Dettenhausen
GPG Fingerprint: 5966 C54C 2B3C 42CC 1F4F  8F59 E3A8 C538 7519 141E
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