On 01/22/2011 03:58 PM, Michelle Bottorff wrote:
Hi, new user here. I really liked what it sounded like Lyx was supposed to do,
so I installed Tex (which I had never used before) just so I could try it out.
I'm using Lyx 1.6.8 on Mac OS 10.6.5 and an installation of Tex Live 2010
When I try import any rtf files I get an error message that says:
An error occurred whilst running rtf2latex2e 'NAMEOFFILE.rtf'
When I try save as rtf I get:
An error occurred whilst running latex2rtf '_NAMEOFFILE.tex'
I tried importing html files and I got:
An error occurred whilst running java -jar htmltolatex.jar -input
I created an html file from a lyx document, so the html export does seem to be
working, but when I tried to import those files -- I get the same error as I do
from my own html files.
If someone could help me figure out how to get my files imported, I'd be very
My main suggestion, if you are able, would be to run LyX from a
terminal, as you will then get much more detailed error messages. It is
possible that there is some configuration problem with these programs,
but I am not on Mac and so cannot say for sure.
I'm not sure why you are converting to and from rtf, but if you just
want to import some old documents of your own, you might also try
running rtf2latex2e from a terminal and see how that goes.