> From: xiaochu <xiao...@gmail.com> > I used \eqnarray to input an equation with both very long left hand side >and right hand side. to enter display mode first, then Command+enter. there >are >three boxes at each row. No matter how I adjusted the position of the >equation >in these three boxes. The result turns out to be quite ugly. Can anyone help? >thanks a lot. >
Is it a single equation that you want to break onto two lines? If so, use the AMS multline environment instead of eqnarray. If not and I have misunderstood your problem, you solution is still to use one of the other AMS environments; even if you get eqnarray to produce roughly the result you want, it gets the spacing slightly wrong. To use multiline: 1. create some math (inline, display, or whatever) 2. right click on it and choose "AMS environment", and from that submenu choose "AMS multline" 3. type the left hand side of the equation you want to typeset (this line will be left aligned) 4. press ctrl+enter, which puts you onto a new line 5. type the right hand side of the equation (this line will be left aligned) If you repeat 4 and 5, so that you have more than two rows, then only the last line will be right aligned and the ones in between will be centered, even though LyX doesn't show them like that. If the left and right hand sides aren't *too* long, this may not look right. Instead use an AMS align environment, putting everything on the right hand side, and prefixing all lines except the first with \qquad. Jim