
Thanks to you Christopher, Paul and Richard for your answer! Sorry if I did not thank earlier, I had not realised (not e-mail notif) that you had replied! Below my answer
>  You have a space in the path to the file.  Does it work if you escape the 

Or rename the file to eliminate it?  Linux sometimes doesn't play well with 
filenames containing whitespace.

Chris Menzel

Unfortunately, it still does not work even when the path contains no spaces. Also, it does not work neither with relative or absolute paths. Most surpsisingly, it does not work even when I put the .sty file in the temp file used by Lyx...

Do you have any idea how I can use a package that is not in the texmf tree? I just tried adding this package:

Do you have the same problem on your confugrations (mine is Lyx 1.5.6 on Ubuntu 10.4)?

Thanks a lot


Le 30. 12. 10 13:59, Richard Heck a écrit :
On 12/30/2010 07:00 AM, mat wrote:

I wish to use local latex class in my lyx document. Were it pure latex code, I could have written:

when the .sty is at the same level than the .tex. Now, I have some problems doing so with lyx, I tried adding this in the preamble, either with a relative path or an absolute one, but unfortunately it does unfortunately not work, I get an error message...
Latex Error: File newclass.sty not found

And below the error message, a quite cryptic: cannot \read from terminal in nonstop mode...

Do you see what I do wrong? I checked the doc but did not find mention on how to use local packages, is there something? Do you see how I can solve the problem?

Why not just put the package somewhere LaTeX can find it?

It should work with an absolute path.


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