Jürgen Spitzmüller <spitz <at> lyx.org> writes:

> Looks like something is wrong with your setup. Please check that German is 
> really set and that the German hyphenation patterns are loaded (the latter 
> should be noted at the beginning of Document > LaTeX Log).
Thanks for the hint, I bought a new laptop in last May and didn't install
texlive-langgerman, which I had done before on the old laptop.
(Thought it would get pulled in anyway by setting LINGUAS="de", will open a bug 
on gentoo's bugzilla). 
That fixed it.
> BTW there are some new, experimental hyphenation patterns for German that are 
> already generally better than the LaTeX defaults. You can load it via
> \usepackage[ngerman=ngerman-x-latest]{hyphsubst}
I will give it a try in my next document, thanks for the hint.

> > As a side question: is there a Lyx-way to exclude names and short
> > non-standard-german-word of persons from being hyphenated?
> either put the words in an \mbox{...} (via ERT) or add a list like this in 
> your preamble:
> \hyphenation{foo,bar,moo,...}
Ah, this sounds more reasonable.
> > Thanks for this great program, I am looking forward to version 2.0
Greetings, Stefan

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