On 07/01/2011 6:40 PM, Joel Schwartz wrote:
I haven't gotten beyond the tutorial and user's manual yet, so I don't know
when I'll have the expertise to take this any further. Indeed, I decided to
try lyx to make my life easier so that I could spend*less*  work time trying
to format my MS-Word documents and more time doing analysis, reading, and

You won't need to write latex code for most things. And LyX does make it easy on you for conventional typesetting. Since what you asked for is a little bit unconventional, nobody has worked on providing this kind of paragraph style before. But the capabilities are there when one wants to put some work into it.

I do hope you find your experience with the software a pleasant one. Don't be scared away because we say you have to learn this and that. In fact most things in LyX are just easy and the typesetting is beautiful. Although letting go of some of the habits picked up from other word editors is sometimes hard.


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