Tim Wescott <tim <at> wescottdesign.com> writes:

> I'm trying to specify some vertical fill in this file:
> http://www.wescottdesign.com/temp/friction.lyx
> But it doesn't show up the way I expect here:
> http://www.wescottdesign.com/temp/friction.pdf
> Basically, I want the "Author's Note" to be on its own page, two inches 
> down from the top.
> While not so important, I also _expected_ the "references" section to be 
> at the bottom of its page, even when it's the only thing there.
> So how do I communicate this to Lyx/LaTeX?

In the dialogs for both vertical space widgets, select the "Protect" option.

But I bear no responsibility for what the References page looks like if it's
empty at the top.  :-)


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