On 18/11/2010 11:37 AM, Marc Mouries wrote:
thanks the reconfigure worked. I was able to open the file without the dialog.
Now when i click on "view" i get the following error message:
Could it be a 'x' missing at the end of pdflate?
The command is correct (I am most certain), only the message is cut off
(yet another issue with the report of errors!).
My guess is something went wrong with lilypond-book. Unfortunately, the
report of errors from lilypond-book to the LyX interface is missing.
Could you please try to export the file and produce output manually?
First the export (File > Export > Lilypond book) will produce a file
with the "lytex" extension next to your "lyx" file.
Then run from the command line:
lilypond-book --safe --pdf --latex-program=pdflatex
--lily-output-dir=tmpdir lilypond.lytex
and report any errors you get? This would be very helpful.