On 11/08/2010 03:00 PM, Frederick Noronha wrote:
How do I get the "prescription" (Rx) symbol in Lyx please? FN
There are two ways to find the answer to this kind of question.
1. The Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol List:
This lists the LaTeX commands, and associated packages, for
hundreds of symbols.
2. Unicode List:
Any Unicode character can be inserted into LyX by pasting it, or by
opening the
mini-buffer (View>Toolbars>Command Buffer, or alt-x, usually and
unicode-insert CODEPOINT
e.g.: unicode-insert 0x21e
which happens to be the codepoint for the Rx symbol.
In LaTeX, it is \textrecipe, and you have to load the textcomp package.
Be warned
that not all fonts provide this character.