On Thursday 04 November 2010 18:26:22 Manveru wrote:
> Hello,
> I know this is rather LaTeX related problem, but maybe someone from
> this list is able to help me.
> I have following code in my preamble:
> \newcommand{\kopia}{\tiny Kopia dla Gal Anonim}
> \usepackage{fancyhdr}
> \fancypagestyle{empty}{%
>   \fancyfoot[L]{\kopia}
>   %\fancyfoot[LE]{\kopia}
> }
> \fancypagestyle{plain}{%
>   \fancyhf{}
>   \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt}
>   \fancyfoot[L]{\kopia}
>   \fancyfoot[C]{- \thepage  -}
>   %\fancyfoot[LE]{\kopia}
> }
> \fancypagestyle{headings}{%
>   \fancyfoot[L]{\kopia}
>   %\fancyfoot[LE]{\kopia}
> }
> \lfoot{\kopia}
> However, this works only for first page! I am using article class. All
> other pages are reset to default layout with page number in the bottom
> middle. What may be wrong with my doc or what is wrong with fancyhdr
> or article class? I did not find anything suspicious in tex code of
> the generated document.
> Thanks in advance for any hint.

Pure guess: You need the following in your document preamble:


Sounds to me like you're not using \pagestyle{fancy}, but that's just a guess.

To solve this problem, if I were you I'd make a "hello world" LaTeX file maybe 
3 pages long, and slowly modify it until you can either get what you want or 
reproduce the problem, and then work to toggle the problem on and off and 
isolate the root cause.

I'd also take steps to verify that only the first page works. I wouldn't be 
surprised if every Part or Section page works.



Steve Litt
Recession Relief Package
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/stevelitt

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