Has anyone any experience of tools such http://a.nnotate.com/index.html
or https://docq.com/
These allow you to upload a PDF to the web, send someone a link, and
they can then annotate the PDF online from their browser.
It seems a way of getting some level of collaboration/feedback from
clients/collaborators, without needing to have a copy of Adobe Acrobat
Professional to enable the comment feature, forcing them to download one
of the many third party pdf annotation tools, or giving them a converted
Word/HTML version of your Lyx document.
They will see something that looks like a finished document.
As, with one exception, everyone I work with expects a Word document to
comment on, but is still comfortable with the idea of PDFs as "final"
documents, this seems a possible solution, to an ongoing problem I have,
just because I use Lyx.
It wouldn't be that great for full blown co-author work, but for a lot
of what I do when its really on-going feedback this sounds like a
possible solution.