> > > The layout file requested by this document IEEEtran.layout, is not usable. > This is probarly because a Latex class or style file required by it is not > available. See the customization documentation for more information. Lyx > will not be able to produce output. >
You need to install IEEEtran from MikTeX package manager. - Open your MikTeX package manager, and just type IEEE in name field and Enter. - You will see IEEEtran in the list, just select and press + icon - Then follow the dialog to install Once installation completed, you need to open MikTeX setting, then press "Refresh FNDB" button Reconfigure LyX (Tools>Reconfigure) After this I think your IEEEtran will be available. Regards Waluyo --- http://sites.google.com/site/lyxthesistemplate