
I am working with Lyx 1.6.2 on windows, and I am writing my thesis in
the book (KOMA-script) - class. I have chosen natbib (author-year) in
Documents settings and loaded the bib-file using apalike since this
format seems to work best for me.
Everything is working fine, except that I cannot get the Bibliography
to display url's. I feel like there should be a simple solution I just
can't find - maybe changing the field of urls in the bib-file or
something like that...?

As an example, my bib-file reads:

 author = {Hirsch, Barry and Macpherson, David},
 year = {2/2010},
 title = {{U}nion {M}embership and {C}overage {D}atabase from the {C}{P}{S}},
 url = {www.unionstats.com},
 urldate = {6/25/2010}

and the Bibliography output is:

Hirsch, B. and Macpherson, D. (2/2010).  Union Membership and Coverage Database
from the CPS.

Any ideas, please send. Thank you!

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