On 10/05/2010 07:49 AM, Waluyo Adi Siswanto wrote:
Thanks but the attached file is not a problem from me. When I insert
TOC the appendix heading will printed in the TOC, which is not the
format that I want.
There should be in a separate page under List of Appendices
List of Appendices
A. Title of Appendix A
B. Title of Appendix B
I have managed to prevent the appendix headings being listed in TOC by
minitoc (writing \usepackage{minitoc} in preamble) and insert ERT
This essentially turns off the table of contents. It says: Only list
Parts in the TOC, and since you don't have any, nothing gets listed.
I think you need to use the tocloft package. See section 2.4 of the
manual, on the \newlistof command. You'll do something like:
You will also need to redefine parts of the \chapter command, or
whatever is being used for your appendices. In the case of book.cls, it
would actually be the \...@chapter command you would need to redefine:
\d...@chapter[#1]#2{\ifnum \...@secnumdepth >\...@ne
The issue here is the line
You will need to replace it with:
where "loa" is your new list of appendices. Put this redefinition right
at the beginning of your appendix. (Remember to wrap it in \makeatletter
and \makeatother.) Alternatively, you could redefine the \appendix
command so that it did the redefinition for you.