On 9/30/2010 9:14 AM, Julio Rojas wrote:
Dear all, I guess this is a recurrent topic, but I couldn't find a
solution googling around. I have to include some references from my
bibtex file into my beamer presentation, but after the document is
compiled, a "?" appears in place of the reference. I tried compiling
the Latex version of the presentation and I found the following error:

! Latex Error: \newblock undefined.

If I ignores this error, the document compiles perfectly. I think LyX
is not capable of overcoming this error and the biblatex part of the
compilation fails. Any idea on how can I solve it?

I don't know about biblatex, but beamer and BibTeX don't play nicely. See, for instance, http://old.nabble.com/Beamer-and-natbib-td17070394.html. What I ended up doing, IIRC, was to create a dummy article with just my bibliography (using the style I wanted), view it, and while the viewer was open grab the .bbl file from the LyX temp directory. Then I manually added the entries from it into the bibliography of my beamer document. The style I used inserted \newblocks automatically, but I think some styles don't, in which case you'll want to add them manually. The \newblock undefined error does not occur as long as you're not using bibtex in the beamer file.


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