Hello again! I asked earlier about how to handle Swedish letters in lyx/bibtex: http://www.mail-archive.com/lyx-users@lists.lyx.org/msg82909.html. The solution works fine. Now I have run into a similar problem. I have several authors with different non English characters in their names. How do I get them sorted in correct order in the Lyx bibliography? An example is:
1. Author: Schött 2. Author: Schück In Sweden ö is the last character in the alphabet and Schött should thus be sorted after Schück. The output file in Lyx does it the other way around, like above. Schött is written: {Harald Sch{"o}tt} in the .bib file Schück is written: {Henrik Sch{\"{u}}ck} in the .bib file I have several similar cases. Swedish seems to be a hard language to use with bibtex. Sorry to bother with Swedish newbie problems! Best Regards Påvel Nicklasson