On 09/03/2010 09:39 PM, Wendell Smith wrote:
I have been using LyX for a while now, and very much enjoying it, but
I would really love to be able to set different key bindings for math
mode and non-math mode. My main reason for this is that in math mode,
I have to use the Ctrl, Meta, and Shift keys so much that its starting
to hurt my fingers, and I would like to have keybindings without
modifiers (except maybe Shift for capitals) - so insert x would be 'v
x' instead of just 'x', integral would be 'i', etc. Obviously, in text
mode this would be very irritating, but in math mode, I think I would
find it very convenient. Could that be done? Is there some way to
automatically switch keybindings upon entering/leaving math mode?
Alternatively, is there any way to use a shortcut (or lyx function) to
switch key bindings? That would not be quite as convenient, but still
a good start...
There isn't really any facility for this directly. But I think LyX
actually provides something fairly close. Most of the math bindings are
Alt-M plus something. Most of those bindings do NOT require modifier
keys following Alt-M, though of course there are only so many keys
available, so some of them do. But most of the common ones don't use
If you wanted, you could switch this "trigger" key to something else you
don't use much, say, "/". You could do this by copying the math.bind
file to your local LyX user directory (e.g., ~/.lyx/bind/) and then
replacing all the "M-m" stuff with "slash".