I agree that this would be very pleasing, especially when working with 
collaborators who do not use LyX and who use many new commands.


On Aug 31, 2010, at 11:35 AM, Torquil Macdonald Sørensen wrote:

> On 31/08/10 19:35, Uwe Stöhr wrote:
> > Am 31.08.2010 18:35, schrieb Torquil Macdonald Sørensen:
> >
> >> My goal was to import a LaTeX file into LyX, but LyX was not able to
> >> understand all the \newcommands in the document, and therefore I wanted
> >> to preprocess the LaTeX file first.
> >
> > What do you mean with LyX doesn't understand? LyX should import them as
> > TeX-code and when you view it as PDF, you should see a PDF. If this is
> > not the case and you get LaTeX-errors instead, you found a bug in LyX's
> > TeX import program. If so, can you please provide a _small_ TeX testfile
> > to be able to test?
> Sorry if you get two of these... I forgot to use "Reply to all" in my email 
> client and my have already sent on copy just to you. This should go to the 
> list as well.
> Let me try to explain better what I meant. I don't want those grey boxes of 
> tex code for each instance where a user-defined command is executed in the 
> latex document. I want my LyX file to look as if I had written everything in 
> LyX without use of any \newcommand.
> The following LaTeX file captures the essence of the file I just had the 
> misfortune to work with:
> \documentclass{article}
> \newcommand{\bea}{\begin{equation}}
> \newcommand{\eea}{\end{equation}}
> \begin{document}
> \bea
> \int f(x) dx = 0
> \eea
> \end{document}
> Importing this file into LyX results in a file where the math is not 
> "rendered", but instead the bare LaTeX math code is displayed between two 
> grey boxes, representing \bea and \eea.
> >> I used a python package called plasTeX for this. It is able to parse
> >> LaTeX files and will automatically expand the user-defined \newcommands
> >> that are used throughout the document.
> >
> > What is done by "expanding"? I mean one only uses \newcommand once and
> > then use the defined command several times. Therefore you can safely put
> > all \newcommands either at the beginning of the document, or better, at
> > the end of the document preamble.
> By "expanding", I mean that "my" plasTeX script (if you can call it that when 
> it is just a few lines) will process the above latex file and essentially 
> create this:
> \documentclass{article}
> \begin{document}
> \begin{equation}
> \int f(x) dx = 0
> \end{equation}
> \end{document}
> When this is imported into LyX, the equation is interpreted correctly and 
> rendered in the usualy fasion as mathematics, with no grey boxes.
> Torquil

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