Hello all,
I'm on a Mac. I'm trying to edit a lengthy thesis and I can't for the
life of me figure out how to get LyX to sync with Skim. That is, I
want to be able to view a pdf or dvi in Skim, and then
command-shift-click and be taken to the corresponding part of my LyX
file. Doesn't work. I've been spending hours looking for different
instructions on how to do this. I can't get it to work with either
PdfSync or SyncTeX. I put the pdfsync package in my latex preamble. I
set the file format in the preferences for LyX and I set the
preferences of Skim. I even tried carefully setting the command path
for PdfSync. When I was trying to use SyncTeX, I set teh converter. I
hope I'm just missing one extra step. Anyone able to get this work ? I
hope I'm just missing one simple step.
Thanks for any help,