Le 7 août 10 à 23:56, Rob Oakes a écrit :
I'd like to have at least one good theme before looking at multiple
themes :)

I'm not thinking multiple themes so much as a theming system. We could
save the list out as a text/xml file and then load an entire list of
colors in at once.

Well, colors qre stored in preference files, so a snippet of such a file
should be enough.

I agree, but sometimes the Qt themes are subtly wrong.  Case in point,
for the extended outline (the little pet project I've been working on)
in LyX-Outline on Mac, the selected text is far too dark. It should use
a light blue color, instead it uses the dark blue of selected items.

You should try to use the selection color for text instead of the one for lists. I am sure it is doable, but I do not know how. This solution should
be robust enough.

Yes. One thing I'd like to add is the possibility to 'synchronize' by
default several colors.

Not sure I follow you here, but it sounds interesting.  Could you

Currently, many insets can set their background color, for example, we have/had a mathbg which color is "linen", like the main background. This means that 5 or 6
colors have to be changed whenever the background is changed. Now, if I
set the mathbg color to "@background" (proposed syntax), the (physical) color
will be the same as window background.

And if I want green background for my maths, I can always set the mathbg
color to "green".

Is it clearer like that? I there is not much to do in terms of code, the important part
is the prefs UI.


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